Archive: Jul 19, 2017, 12:00 AM

John Fleming  **  Wendy O'More

Bob Pearce  **  Roy Larsen **  Barry Geange **  Roy Taylor  **  Keith Burrell

George Knuckey **  Noel Bennett **  Ann Thompson  **  Ralph Rippon  **  Colin Simonsen

Frank Andrews  **   Ray Barrow   **   Peter Jermy **  Ken Henderson    **    Dave Farnum    **    Lindsay Smith

Eddie Fuglistaller    **    Jeanette Oliver    **    John Hastie

Bill Aitchison    **    Don Bray    **    Cameron McEwan

David Hope    **    Harvey Westland    **    Earl Graham

Gretta Beck    **    Bryan Bull    **    Barry Price

Ernie Gilchrist    **    John Law    **    Vern Neal

Quinten (Nobby) Miller    **    Margaret McCarthy    **    Chester Burt

Peter Keyzers    **    Stuart Hamill    **    Harvey Ward

Adrian Blackett    **    Leon Sondej    **    Ralph Torrie

Arthur Garlick   **   Ian Wright   **   June Morris


RIP - Cor Husmann

Good evening everyone  It is with sadness that I inform you all that Cor Husmann, Patron of the Karori Rifle Club, has passed away.

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