NZ Palma team announced


The team for the Palma match at Brisbane on 21 and 22 October 2011 is as follows:

Captain: Tony Loughnan
Coach Co-ordinator /
Darryl Crow
Adjutant: Alan Drake
Coaches: Ross Geange
Geoff Smith
John Snowden
Kevin Win
Shooters: Brian Carter
Ken Chittock
Diane Collings
Michael Collings
André Doyle
Malcolm Dodson
Robert Johansen
Richard Rowlands
Iain Miller
Graeme Marshall
John Miller
Helen Freiman
Jonathan Phillipps
Mathew Read
Sam Teeling
Karl Valpy
Reserves Cathy Smith
Casey Goldsmith
Armourer: Jason Williams

The team had a good practice day followed by a chinese buffet tea back at the resort, the catering gratefully organised by Alan and Forrie. Everyone hopefully having an early night now, ready to take on the world tomorrow!

We thank our sponsors

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