2024 National Kings Meeting

Saturday 13th January

Kings Meeting Trophies and Prizes awarded

Ballinger Belt Finals for TR

Belt Series Finals for F-Open FTR C-FTR

Mounds for the finals

T12 - NZ Coached Champions Club TR Teams

T12F - NZ Coached Championship Club F Class Teams


T12 - NZ Coached Champions Club TR Teams - 500 yards

T12F - NZ Coached Championship Club F Class Teams - 500 yards


T12 - NZ Coached Champions Club TR Teams - 300 yards

T12F - NZ Coached Championship Club F Class Teams - 300 yards

Friday 12th January

A14 - Colonel Collins Grand Aggregate - Masefield (Shorts and Longs) and Belt Series (Shorts and Longs)

Belt Series Aggregate

1000 yards - Match 15

900 yards - Match 14

T11 Club Long Range Match - Ashburton Club  with a score of   -14   +46

Thursday 11th January

Belt Qualifying Series

TR Leader board after todays scores

Belt Series Aggregate to Match 13

1000 yards - Match 13

900 yards - Match 12

Belt Series Aggregate to Match 11

800 yards - Match 11

800 yards - Match 10

Wednesday 10th January

Belt Qualifying Series

A07 Don Whiteman Short Range Aggregate

600 yards - Match 9

600 yards - Match 8

500 yards - Match 7

300 yards - Match 6

Tuesday 9th January

Masefield Championships

(* Corrected - 4 people scored on wrong card)

* Masefield Championship Aggregate

* Masefield Long Range Aggregate

* 1000

* 900

Masefield Short Range Aggregate





Monday 8th January 

North Island vs South Island Teams Match    -   and Under 25 Team

1000 yards

900 yards

800 yards

International Trans Tasman Teams Match - FO

Final Placings

Trans Tasman Teams Match - FO Match 2

Final Placings

International Trans Tasman Teams Match - FTR

Final Placings

Trans Tasman Teams Match - FTR Match 2

Final Placings

2024 300 Metre Championship run 5th & 6th January

300M Results

 2024 303 Championship Friday 5th January

303 Results

We thank our sponsors

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