2012 - BOP and North Island 300m Champs

Queen's Birthday Weekend

Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June 2012 - Rotorua

Report by: Lindsay Arthur

Day 1: Bay of Plenty

Started with seven keen 300 Metre competitors arriving at the Rotorua range to start at 10.30am only to find most of the range covered in morning fog with not a target to be seen, but fine and sunny weather a little cold.

After a couple of hours the targets appeared and the match got under way with bright light and shade across some of the targets in the second detail which affected the scoring.

Need to cut down the trees on the left of the range was the talk.

Scores for the day.

Bill Teddy leading the way with a P/B 592.26 in the Open

ISSF     Open  
Lindsay Arthur 582.22   Bill Teddy 592.26
Rick Ruiteman 559.11   Irene Cameron 578.15
Alan Dickson 552.11   John Ball 574.15
      John Scobie 569.13

Day 2: North Island

Some real keen 300 Metre Folk turned up at the range at about 9.30am that was me, but Bill was already  there having a cup of tea to start the day off.

Talk was you haven't cut the trees down then.

No fog this morning clear down the range fine and a bit warmer with constant dull light on the targets, some lift in the wind flags from the right and drop down to zero through the match with the match starting on time.

Scores for the day.

Lindsay Arthur leading the way in the ISSF with a 589.25

ISSF     Open  
Lindsay Arthur 589.25   Bill Teddy 580.20
Alan Dickson 676.12   Irene Cameron 575.16
      John Ball 569.15
      John Scobie 559.8
Weekend Aggregate     No. of 100s Shot  
Bill Teddy 1172.46   Bill 2
Lindsay Arthur 1171.47   Irene 1
Irene Cameron 1153.31   Lindsay 1
John Ball 1143.30      
John Scobie 1128.21      
Alan Dickson 1127.23      
Rick Ruiteman 1121.22      

Thanks to everyone who helped put the 300 Metre Champs together

We thank our sponsors

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