F Class Section Mid Year News 2016

Hi all,

Here is a update of where we are at so far. 

F Class Committee Membership:  is good but some people still need to pay their subscriptions. 

Check with Karyn Flanagan of you are unsure - 

If you are not a financial member you will not receive information or have the ability to vote. 

F Class World Champs Canada: Sending a New Zealand Team to Canada for 2017 World F Class Champs has been canned due to lack of nominations. 

Trans-Tasman Match: The F Class Trans-Tasman Match for this coming 2017 Nationals has also been canned due to FTR/FO World Championships in Canada. 

Trophy Donations: Four trophies have been donated by our members for ongoing presentation at the NRANZ National Championships - 4 in total 2 X FO and 2 X FTR thank you to Nik Chiew, Iain May, Charles Watson, and myself. 

If anyone else would like to donate please contact me ASAP to arrange this. 

ICFA World Council: At the recent NRANZ Council meeting I was voted in as the New Zealand F Class Rep to ICFA World Council. 

This will allow us to have a voice for our sport for the first time. 

Remits: Some very interesting remits where tabled at the last Council Meeting that will interest F Class shooter so please read them on NRANZ website. 

Postal Match: Results are now up on the NRANZ website. Congratulations to all those who entered and please other clubs think about entering next year 3 clubs out of 24 needs improving. 

NRANZ Nationals Championships 9-14 January 2017: the Ballinger Sponsorship grant is available for Tyro's (new shooters only) to apply for, so please encourage and new shooters to come and apply to help so if you know of or are thinking please make a effort to come.

Open F Class Development Training Squad: There is talk of a Open Development Training Squad Starting with the focus toward 2021 World Champs, more information will be distributed when details are available. 

F Class AGM: Our F Class group will have its annual AGM during National week again so please attend and bring anything constructive you wish to discuss.  Cost will be $10 at the door.  Time and venue will be advertised at Prize Givings at National Champs.



F Class President


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