Call for nominations for FO & FTR Team members

Call for nominations 

The NRANZ Selectors are calling for nominations for FO and FTR teams to compete against Australia in a Trans-Tasman Match on Monday 8th January 2024.

The intention is to initially name a squad with final team selection in December.

Match Conditions

Teams are to consist of 5 shooters and may have a maximum of 9 members.

The nine members may consist of Captain, Manager, Coach and 6 shooting members.  All members may fill any of the positions within the team.

There will be a second team chosen, to be named the ‘Presidents Team’ for FO and the ‘Chairmans Team’ for FTR.  This will not be a pocketed team.

Call for Nominations

Team nominations are now called to fill the positions for both disciplines, FO & FTR.

Please note:       FPR class is eligible for the FO team
                           & FTR Classic is eligible for the FTR team

Please indicate your preference for shooter/coach.

Self-nominations are to be forwarded via email to the NRANZ Secretary at  All nominations received will be acknowledged.

Nominations Close – Sunday 3rd September 2023. 

Diane Collings
Convenor of Selectors

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