Tui Black Shield Match Kaituna Blenheim 2013

Sunday 5 May saw the annual interdistrict teams match for the Tui Black shield on the Kaituna Blenheim rifle range between Canterbury, Marlborough and Wellington.  Rain was forcast for later in the day so all were keen to get under way.   Low cloud created great sighting and with no wind to contend with, scores were going to be high.

Final Results and Individual Placings:


Coaches; B Mehrten & J Snowden 
  300 600 900 Total
B Mehrtens 50.05 50.05 49.04 149.14
P Newman 49.08 50.06 50.05 149.19
J Miller 50.06 48.02 50.04 148.12
T Webb 50.07 48.07 50.03 148.17
C Kershaw 49.07 49.06 50.06 148.19
K Harper 50.06 50.07 49.03 149.16
J Snowden 50.06 50.09 50.04 150.19
  348.45 345.42 348.29 1042.160
M Steele 50.06 50.06 47.06 147.18
D Miller 49.06 49.04 49.05 147.15
D Swaney 47.03 49.03 48.05 144.11
Coaches; A Benbrook & K Win  
  300 600 900 Total
J Phillipps 46.04 50.09 50.04 146.17
H Freiman 49.06 49.02 44.03 142.11
B Scott 46.03 50.05 48.04 144.12
C Goldsmith 49.01 49.06 46.04 144.11
R Mason 49.05 50.08 50.07 149.20
A Benbrook 47.01 47.04 46.01 140.06
A Doyle 50.07 49.05 50.06 149.18
  336.27 344.39 334.29 1014.95
K Win 45.01 45.03 46.04 136.08
Coaches; A Gibbs & M Dodson  
  300 600 900 Total
M Dodson 50.07 49.04 49.06 148.17
J Dodson 50.05 45.02 49.03 144.10
D Dick 50.04 48.02 48.06 146.12
H Jan Van Vuuren 48.02 46.04 48.03 142.09
AG Hatcher 49.07 49.04 50.06 148.17
C Whyte 46.04 45.02 48.06 139.12
A Gibbs 47.03 45.02 49.04 141.09
  340.32 327.2 341.34 1008.86
W Van Ash 48.02 44.01 45.01 137.04
Name 300 600 900 Total
J Snowden 50.06 50.09 50.04 150.19
R Mason 49.05 50.08 50.07 149.20
P Newman 49.08 50.06 50.05 149.19
A Doyle 50.07 49.05 50.06 149.18
K Harper 50.06 50.07 49.03 149.16
B Mehrtens 50.05 50.05 49.04 149.14
C Kershaw 49.07 49.06 50.06 148.19
T Webb 50.07 48.07 50.03 148.17
M Dodson 50.07 49.04 49.06 148.17
AG Hatcher 49.07 49.04 50.06 148.17
J Miller 50.06 48.02 50.04 148.12
M Steele 50.06 50.06 47.06 147.18
D Miller 49.06 49.04 49.05 147.15
J Phillipps 46.04 50.09 50.04 146.17
D Dick 50.04 48.02 48.06 146.12
B Scott 46.03 50.05 48.04 144.12
D Swaney 47.03 49.03 48.05 144.11
C Goldsmith 49.01 49.06 46.04 144.11
J Dodson 50.05 45.02 49.03 144.10
H Freiman 49.06 49.02 44.03 142.11
H Jan Van Vuuren 48.02 46.04 48.03 142.09
A Gibbs 47.03 45.02 49.04 141.09
A Benbrook 47.01 47.04 46.01 140.06
C Whyte 46.04 45.02 48.06 139.12
W Van Ash 48.02 44.01 45.01 137.04
K Win 45.01 45.03 46.04 136.08


Canterbury Team 2013

Winning Team

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