Palma match Day 1 - 21st Oct

Report from Brisbane, Friday 21 Oct. 11

Take a look at the results

First day of the Palma competition.  Let's get the weather report done first: it was hot.  And windy.

The Team is disappointed with the result of the first day.  Great Britain took the lead from the first range and still hold first position with a lead of 25 points from South Africa.  Close behind is USA, then Australia with New Zealand 5th, 76 points behind GB.  For full NZ scores by range by shooter see the results.

At the 800 yard mound, as Helen was getting ready something went 'ping' and suddenly she couldn't move with terrible pains in her lower back.  Despite many people helping, she was unable to take her position and Cathy stepped in as reserve and shot very well.  I am happy to report Helen is improving, has kept moving throughout the whole day.  We will see how she is tomorrow morning, hopefully after many backrubs from Jono (just backrubs Jono!!) she will be ok to shoot.

The Team is about to meet for a debrief, followed by a barbeque, whilst watching the Aus/Wales rugby match.  It is nice to have some more partners here with Jan Win, Jane Forrest and Di Crow on hand to help out and support the Team.  Thanks to Di in particular, helping with check scoring only hours after getting off the plane.  And Matt's dad Brent also helping with scoring.

NZ check scoreboard

NZ check scoreboard at end of the day 1.

Start of 1000yard shoot

at start of 1000yard shoot

Today's anagram is:  A warm death 

Actually, we're running out of days so let's do another one:  O Green Gass

Coby Snowden

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