NZ Ladies Rifle Team South Africa Report 5

Part of our ‘getting our entry and payment’ instructions was to find a small brick house, and meet Kevin and we were to be careful of the ‘wildlife’ on the range road, Kevin said we saw Red Wilderbeast yesterday.

First day shooting!  Luckily we were early to the range and someone said that she’d left her jacket behind at the accommodation.  A quick trip back to collect her jacket (yes I stopped and quickly took two photos of the Red Wilder Beast that were on the range road). I arrived back not long after shooting started with Nicole up on the mound helping to get the girls zeros.

30 degrees today, and the mirage was incredible.

We have zero’s for 300m, 600m & 800m. Everyone has zeros and our South African loads are fantastic. Ants on the mounds are a problem, so we’ve invested in a can of creepy crawly bug killer and will be spraying our mats, the ants don’t like our mozzie bands either so hope they will help keep them off us.  A lady today had her mat on top of an ant nest and was swarmed by them, she wasn’t very happy and they were still coming after her.  

The South African mozzies are nasty, a few of us must have tasty blood as we’re being bitten and the bites are swelling up and welting.  I’ve invested in a clicker which helps take the itchiness away.

Have seen quite a few familiar faces and we’ve already made new friends.  Simon the U19 coach was there at the range on Monday when we popped out to have a look came and today gave us some car parking tips (on how not to upset the General next week).

New Zealand is getting the big sell, we are spreading the word that Worlds are at Trentham in 2019 and come on down and shoot our Nationals too. There are 500 shooters expected for competitions next week using 100 targets and two details.

Tomorrow we go with the Australian Ladies to see the Big Pussycats…….can’t wait.

Thursday is our first competition, and Ladies Teams match is on Friday, I will try to post results after each range.

Karyn Flanagan
Team Manager

NZ Ladies Rifle Team 18 Camp Kiwi2 0

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