BOP and North Island 300m Champs 2013

Saturday 1st June Day 1

Started out turning into the range road up past the blue lake on Tarawera road Rotorua and noticed the up-grade of the road, looks like a motorway now.  Arriving at the gate to the 300Metre range, that's also different as there has been some work and improvements made here as well.

Talk is that there has been a World Pistol Shooting Championships held at the same venue.
On to the 300 Metre shooting; six keen 300 metre folk turned up to a fine cool morning all clear down the range with shooting not able to start before flags and target numbers are out.  John Ball noticed bees going into the shed through a hole in the wall, some good honey being made in there was the guess.

Shooting got under way around 10.30 with a couple of clicks of steady wind coming in from the right with intermittent sun light on and off the targets.

Completion of shooting found all competitors pushing John Scobie and his car on his way.

Scores for the day; Lindsay Arthur took out the day with a 585.19, Irene Cameron 2nd on 582.19 count back to Alan Dickson on 582.19 with two 100's:

Lindsay Arthur     585.19
Irene Cameron    582.19
Alan Dickson       582.19
John Ball             569.19
Rick Ruiterman    564.12
John Scobie         524.03

North Island 300 Metre Shooting Championship

Sunday 2nd June day 2

On arrival all clear down the range, no fog, with the early arrivals putting out flags and number boards.   10.00 am start, fine weather and calm, not a lot in the wind with, better day than Saturday.

Improvement in the scoring from some of the shooters John Scobie going up 49 points and three 100's shot.
After undressing the range we thought let’s have a look at the Pistol range, wow impressive improvements, talk is that they received a NZCT grant and spent over a million dollars on the up-grade, I think we counted fifteen differing ranges all up.

Thanks also to the nice man and lady who turned up just as we closed the gate to the Pistol range who happen to have on board Muzzle loading rifles.  The team got to see a new 50 calibre rifle.

Scores for day two saw Lindsay Arthur top score on the day with another 585 with more centres 27, which included two wide shots a 6 and 5, where did they come from?

Alan Dickson 2nd another consistent 582.23 and Irene Cameron 3rd on 578.18

Lindsay Arthur      585.27
Alan Dickson        582.23
Irene Cameron     578.18
Rick Ruiterman     575.12
John Ball              574.12
John Scobie          573.13

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